Mystery Blogger Tag

Keeping today’s post short and sweet. Ribbonash over at Virtual Paper tagged me for the Mystery Blogger tag. Its a pretty short tag, so let’s get into this.
1. What book do you think held the best mystery? (doesn’t have to be a mystery book and it has to be one that you have read)
Ooh, that’s a tough question because I don’t read a lot of mystery books…Well, actually, both The Eagle of the Ninth, and The Silver Branch contain mystery aspects. And I love both of those books, so that’s my answer.
2. What is your favourite genre to read in the most?
Another tough one! I’ll read almost anything…but I guess my returning genres would be fantasy. High, epic fantasy is my comfort read 😀

3. How do you feel about rain?
I love rain! it’s hard not to, coming from rural Australia and all. I love the sound of it and the smell of the ground after its rained and all the puddles on the ground. Rain is the best.
4. What movie was really inspiring?
Why are there so many hard questions!? Um…I found the TV show  Mystery Road (yeah, I know, I’m bending the rules here) incredibly inspiring, mainly from a craftmanship point of view, though I did love it’s tackling of Aboriginal Australian social issues. it was so well written and acted on a small budget and the mystery was so good. Actually, I’m going to do an Australian story post on this TV show soon.
5. What would you do if you woke up as a vampire?
Probably cry. That’s my default at the moment.
I nominate…
And anyone else who wants to join in!
My 5 Questions:
1. Which book impacted you most as a child?
2. What was your favourite memory from last week?
3. Do you have any pets (if so, what are they and what are their names?)
4. What was your last five star read?
5. Would you rather paint your room lime green or add pink polka dots to the current colour? 😛
What about you guys? How do you feel about rain? What would you do if you woke up as a vampire?

11 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Tag

  1. Thanks for the tag, Chelsea! I think I’ll do this one for tomorrow. 😊
    I love the rain! There’s something really refreshing and calming about it. I am kind of glad for the sunnier weather we’re getting right now where I am, though! As for if I woke up as a vampire, I’d probably freak out for a good long while. 😂 After that, I think I’d set upon finding the quickest way to reverse whatever happened, if that’s even possible!


  2. I love rain! There are times when it’s too cold and I don’t want to get wet, but I also love being in the rain. And it’s so beautiful!
    I would definitely cry if I woke up as a vampire. I would have no idea what to do. Or how it happened. Yeah, I definitely wouldn’t handle that well at all…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. fantasy is also my favorite genre!! i love contemporaries but there’s nothing like escaping into a good fantasy. and the sound of rain is so soothing! i especially love reading while i can hear raindrops falling outside ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yeah, summer rain is the best! But winter rain makes it really nice to curl up in front of the fire with a book and a cat (I’m pretending I have a cat, just for the aesthetic of this comment).

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